Before they call I will answer;
while they are still speaking I will hear.
Isaiah 65:24
While awaiting publication of Call to Love, my first inspirational romance novel with Pelican Book Group (, and agent representation for the second manuscript, I’ve given birth to a third story idea. Because that’s what serious writers do.
Not writing would be akin to not breathing.
The third heroine, Everly Scott, prefers life predictable, planned and orderly. In fact, the hunky hero (think Sawyer, TV’s Lost series) refers to her as ‘Orderly Everly’.
Everly isn’t someone for whom you’d throw a surprise party.
She’s the lone heiress of MoreLand, an 1846 antebellum plantation house. Trouble is, it’s in desperate need of repair. Younger sister insists that Mom and Pop’s estate be saved from destruction. Everly will need a reno specialist who knows what he’s doing for a price she can afford and a clever angle to help fund the whole thing (Stay tuned!).
That being the case, I chose the heroine’s profession to be that of a C.P.A. But since the amount of knowledge I have about all-things-accounting wouldn’t fill the cap of a tube of toothpaste, I reached out to one of my older sisters, who’s, that’s right, a C.P.A.
Perfect specimen for my research right there in the fam.
When I texted my idea to her, she responded with enthusiasm and thought the project sounded like a great idea.
So, I asked when would be a good time for us to chat.
Being that it’s tax season and she’s also knee-deep in some stressful, legal issues (did I mention she’s also a lawyer?), she offered the following time slot:
April 1st at 2:00. Will that work?
My jaw dropped. What? That amounted to an extended WAIT on my end.
My husband laughed. “It’s April 1st. She’s got to be joking.”
Feeling a tad put off, I texted back:
Can you seriously not talk for three more weeks??
Her answer was crystal clear.
No…No time for fun stuff until after tax season.
Given that April 1st fell on a Saturday and was prior to April 15th, I chose to consider it an honor to have been placed on her calendar in the first place.
While I’m all about boundary setting, creating priorities, and maintaining a firm grip on being responsible with one’s time, I have to say….
What if, in my time of need, either for myself or others, I cried out to the Lord, but He responded with a text:
How about April 1st @ 2:00?
Worse, what if He shared the names of those who came before me in His particular line-up of priorities? (I mean, Sally Sue and Billy Bob’s issues can’t possibly be of greater value than mine)
He doesn’t. He won’t. Not ever.
In fact, God promises to reach out to me BeFoRe I ask. And He hears me. Truly hears the cry of my heart.
Pretty awesome to know my time with God doesn’t rob others of their time, nor can they rob me of mine.
[bctt tweet=”God is always near, always free.” username=”MaryAFelkins”] Whether it’s for ‘fun stuff’ or not.
Before they call I will answer;
while they are still speaking I will hear.
Isaiah 65:24