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Like One Being Taught

He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. Isaiah 50:4

I've been reading a book called The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) by Hal Elrod. Amassing widespread attention and over 11K positive reviews, it drew my attention.


While I don't agree with all of the author's message—'Pursue the life you deserve!' ( Jesus spared us from the life we deserve!)—I've been positively impacted by the significance of how we spend our waking minutes.

The very first thoughts that meet us each morning are crucial to getting the mind headed in the right direction.

1. If we believe we'll fail, we likely will.

2. If we believe it'll be a crummy day, it likely will.

3. If we believe no good could come from our hardships, we'll miss God's good purpose in them (and become a proverbial party pooper)

4. The list is endless ...

But if we embrace the grace and mercy granted us throughout our sleep, we'll be more quick to respond to circumstances with gratitude. (If we're unsure if God offered us any mercy, a pulse check should dispel any doubt).

The Psalmist said, Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Psalm 143:8

After I wake each morning and before my feet hit the carpet, I've been intentional about offering God praise and gratitude for keeping a staying eye on me. The fact that I'm still breathing means he intends to use me in some capacity and isn't stuck in angry father mode over my past failures.

It serves no good purpose to lament about what didn't get done the day before, what prayers are still not answered, why things still aren't solved ... and, goodness, why are my joints achy?

Can you hear the pitiful strain of violins? The toxic negativity?

God also wakes us with much to say. He desires to instruct in kindness and in grace. What a difference if would make if we prayed, "Lord, teach me your way, and I will walk in your truth." Psalm 86:11

Several years of home education made one thing abundantly clear: not every student desires to be taught. Would he consider us, as Isaiah said, like one being taught?

We live in a world full of weary people. Our mornings should equip us to respond accurately and effectively to those at their wit's end. But we'll be of little help if we are unwilling students, ignorant of God's truth.

The sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. Isaiah 50:4a

During those fragile morning minutes—and throughout the day—let's praise him for his grace and mercy. Let's ask him to awaken our ears and make us like one being taught.

*What is your morning routine?

*How has it helped (or not) get your mind prepped to hear God's voice?

*What obstacles have you faced that make those morning minutes difficult?

Thanks for reading!

If you were inspired by today's post and know others who would enjoy it, I'd be super grateful if you'd share.

Oh, while we're on the topic of mornings, I invite you to check out my devotional, What the Morning Brings. See info below.

Until next time,

Mary's Devotional Shelf

A tool to help develop the practice of asking, "What truth did the morning bring?" Perfect for those who want a breezy but soul-stirring message to jump start their day.

Independently published by Gardenia Press.

Mary's Fiction Shelf

✏️You Are the Reason, Book #1 in Heart of Moreland Manor released June 25th!! #Felkinsfiction #inspirational #romance.

What if you didn't want your inheritance but it led to your greatest dream?

✏️ This I Promise You, the prequel to the Heart of Moreland Manor series. Available in ebook and paperback. What if finding your heart's desire means entrusting it ... just once more ... to the one who broke it?

✏️If you'd like to receive inspirational posts and/or quarterly author newsletter with bookish giveaways, subscribe here. You'll have the opportunity to download the first 3 chapters of Call to Love, my debut inspirational romance, for FREE!


Katherine Pasour
Katherine Pasour
Aug 07, 2022

It never ceases to amaze me how God sends me just the right message at the right time. I've been lamenting not having enough time in the day to accomplish all I need to a do and here is your message reminding me that negativity just produces more negativity and interrupts what we can accomplish if we focus on what God's plan is for us. (That is a run on sentence!) Thank you, Mary, for being God's messenger to me today.

Unknown member
Aug 08, 2022
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It’s invigorating to know how the Lord used this timely message in your life, Katherine. I grateful we serve a good God who offers unchanging Truth to benefit us if we choose to correct our thinking and attitudes.

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